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Categories: Pionus
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Bronze wing pionus for sale is a medium-size stocky parrot with a wonderful personality. Their overall appearance is a dark violet-blue with a white chin, pink tips to the feathers on the throat, and a bronze dusting to the wings. There are many subtle blendings of colors overall. The head, neck, upper back, wings, and upper tail have bronze to bronze-green feathers tipped with blues to purple-blues, while the feathers on the underparts are dark green tipped with violet-blues. The lower back, rump, and tail are a deep blue with the undertail having the bright red feathers distinguishable to all the pionus. The underwings are blue to bluish-green and the legs are brown. Their beak is yellowish, the eye brown, and their eye-ring is a variable greyish.
Juveniles have much less developed color variety and are more greenish overall. The eye-ring is yellowish rather than greyish-pink.