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Buy Goffin cockatoo for sale

Goffin cockatoo for sale, Goffin’s Cockatoos often have the peculiar habit of putting things on their backs or tossing them over their heads. They will hop straight up and down and love to dance. Acrobatic tricks often become second nature to them.

Original price was: $800.00.Current price is: $700.00.


Buy Goffin cockatoo for sale

Goffin cockatoo for sale, Goffin’s Cockatoos often have the peculiar habit of putting things on their backs or tossing them over their heads. They will hop straight up and down and love to dance. Acrobatic tricks often become second nature to them.

Care and feeding of Goffin cockatoo for sale

A cage of at least 20″ x 20″ is required unless the bird is to be let out for extended periods. Many birds can spend most of their time on a playpen or parrot perch. They eat a variety of seeds, nuts, fruits, and commercial pellets, as well as the same nutritional foods humans eat. The Rose-breasted Cockatoo should be fed a less oily diet (sunflower seeds and other oily seeds) than other cockatoos since they can develop fatty tumors known as lipomas.


Because the cockatoos are threatened with extinction, successful breeding is helping to preserve the species and reduce the number of wild-caught birds.
Breeding cockatoos can be difficult and it is not recommended for a beginner. The best success in breeding cockatoos in captivity started with the greater sulfur-crested, lesser sulfur-crested, and the rose-breasted cockatoos, though several others are now also being breed successfully.
Some basics for breeding cockatoos include:

Pairing Cockatoos:
Pet cockatoos have a very difficult time getting used to a mate so they are very hard to use for attempts at breeding. Establishing any harmonious cockatoo pair can be difficult. It is best to have several young birds together and let them pair naturally.
Sexing Cockatoos:
Most cockatoo species are easily sexed.

Breeding Environment:
The best environment for breeding cockatoos is accomplished in an aviary. Place the cockatoo’s square nesting box, or around hollowed-out tree trunk of the same approximate size, high in the aviary. On the bottom of the nest box, put a 4″ (10 cm) layer of soft bedding such as wood shavings.
The nesting box for a small cockatoo should be 10″-12″ (25-30 cm) wide x 23″-31″ (60-80 cm) high, with a hole size of 4″ (10-12 cm).

Egg Laying and Hatchlings:
The cockatoo female will lay between 2 to 3 eggs. Brooding, depending on which species, is between 25 to 30 days. The young are naked and blind when hatched and don’t open their eyes for several weeks. Hatchlings take between 60 and 100 days to become fully plumed and at that time they will begin to explore outside of the nest. However, they will still be dependent for another two to three weeks before ready leave the nest for good.


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Original price was: $1,000.00.Current price is: $900.00.
(0 Reviews)
Lesser sulphur crested cockatoo for sale The Lesser sulphur crested cockatoo for sale are very docile. They can learn to speak and are easy to teach all kinds of tricks. This is a smaller cockatoo and they are sometimes referred to as the “apartment-sized cockatoo”. They are pretty birds with a delicate beautiful appearance and their movements are very gracefully. Like cockatoos in general, they are a very loving type of bird. Affection is readily accepted and returned in kind. They are a pet that not only appreciates interaction but requires it and needs a lot of attention from their owners.


Original price was: $1,400.00.Current price is: $1,200.00.
(0 Reviews)
Buy Moluccan cockatoo for sale Moluccan cockatoo for sale, they can learn to talk, as can most cockatoos and are easy to teach all kinds of tricks. Cockatoos, in general, are a very loving type of bird that needs a lot of attention from their owners. These birds are very active and curious about their environment. A happy cockatoo spends most of its waking time performing, or examining and manipulating its toys and other cage objects.

Buy Black Palm Cockatoo Online

Original price was: $15,000.00.Current price is: $8,000.00.
(0 Reviews)
Buy Black Palm Cockatoo Online Unlike most other parrots, the Black Palm Cockatoo is not considered an affectionate bird. It’s very sociable, like other cockatoos, needing regular interaction with its owners. But the size and temperament of this bird make it most suitable for experienced bird owners. It’s not an ideal pet for everyone, but the Black Palm Cockatoo has its rewarding characteristics. Buy Black Palm Cockatoo online.


Original price was: $1,000.00.Current price is: $900.00.
(0 Reviews)
Rose breasted cockatoo for sale Rose breasted cockatoo for sale,rose-breasted Cockatoos are smaller cockatoo with rose-colored feathers on the breast and the underside of the wings. They can learn to talk, as can most cockatoos, and are easy to teach all kinds of tricks. Cockatoos, in general, are a very loving type of bird that needs a lot of attention from its owners. Buy a cockatoo only if you can spend a lot of time with it.
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